Four Tips for Your First Yacht CharterIf you’re looking to impress a business partner or client or just want to enjoy a truly memorable day with a select few, chartering a yacht could be just the ticket. If you’ve never done it before, your first time likely won’t be your last. Once you charter a yacht, you’ll want to do it again and again.

However, there are some things to keep in mind to ensure your charter yacht cruise on the Chicago River or Lake Michigan is memorable for you and your guests. Here at Anita Dee Yacht Charters, we want to make sure that you fall in love with your event.

Choose the Right Charter Company

Once you’ve decided to charter a yacht for your event or gathering, the next choice you need to make is which charter company to use. Think about the number of guests you’ll have and what type of cruise you want. Then search for charter companies that have a yacht that’s the right size for your gathering.

You can further narrow your selections by choosing cruise companies that offer cruises at the time of day you require. Are you planning a brunch tour? A breakfast meeting? A midnight cruise? Which companies will accommodate your timetable?

Next, consider what will happen during your event. Do you need music? Catering? Dancing? Will people be seated for most of the cruise, or will they be roaming from place to place? Narrow your list of charter companies further using these criteria.

Call and meet with several of the charter company representatives. Talk with them and determine how agreeable they are and how willing to accommodate your needs. If you get a bad vibe from a company, don’t use them. If they aren’t willing to provide you with the services you need, choose another company.

Of course, we believe Anita Dee Yacht Charters is the right charter company for you. We want you to have the luxury yacht experience of your dreams.

Rely on the Charter Company’s Event Coordinator

Four Tips for Your First Yacht CharterOnce you’ve chosen the right company, get acquainted with the yacht’s event coordinator. This person can help you create the cruise of your dreams. Explain to them your vision for your cruise and let them help you get all the details just right. They can help you decide on your scheduled stops. Anita Dee Yacht Charters has the ability to stop at a variety of harbors in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana. With your ideas for your gathering in mind, the event coordinator can help you figure out what the catering and décor will be. They’ll also arrange for music and photography if those are on your wish list.

Dress for the Weather

Chicago has distinct seasons, and the weather feels different when you’re out on Lake Michigan than it does on land. The best advice we can give you about how to dress for your yacht charter adventure is to make sure you wear layers. Our typical yacht charter season runs from April to November, and we encounter all kinds of weather in that span.

In the warmer months, you and your guests might want to bring along a windbreaker just in case the temperature dips along the way. When the wind kicks up on the water, it can be quite chilly, even on midsummer days. What you feel when you’re on shore, ready to board, might be far different than what you feel on the water.

We do the occasional winter cruise, and that can be a spectacular experience — especially if the Chicago skyline is dusted with snow. However, on those winter cruises, you’ll want ample layers, along with hats and gloves. As anyone who’s experienced a Chicago winter knows, body heat leaves the head and the extremities first. Keeping those covered and warm can be the key to enjoying your yacht cruise in the briskest of seasons.

Relax and Leave the Details to Us

When you use Anita Dee Yacht Charters, you’ll have an onboard event coordinator who will make sure that no detail is overlooked in providing the best possible experience for your guests. Our number one priority is to steer you to a wonderful and memorable yacht charter trip before bringing you safely back to shore.

Contact Us

If you’d like to know more about chartering a luxury yacht in Chicago, call Anita Dee Yacht Charters and (312) 379-3191 to get started. Whether it’s a wedding, a big business outing, or just a chance to experience the skyline of Chicago from the water, Anita Dee Yacht Charters can get you set up for your first yacht charter.

Contact us today to get started.

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Anita Dee Yacht Charters 200 N Breakwater Access Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 379-3191
Docked at Dusable Harbor on the Chicago River at Lake Shore Drive Download Full Directions
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